Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Tonight there was no cooking. The Team has declared a truce with pots and pans and headed down the street, to quaint downtown Pacific Grove for a dinner to be remembered. We went to Passion Fish, an environmentally responsible and upscale restaurant. What can I say...SUPERB.

Apart from the excellent California wines which we all enjoyed almost too much, there were the mouth watering fishes (ahi, salmon, tilapia, etc..) and the masterfully prepared sides with names so complicated we were all a little to tipsy to remember.

It was a large family event and everybody felt good about staying up a little too late because tomorrow is our Day Off and we can spend a little longer under the covers and enjoy a well deserved rest. But the evening did not end here.

There was the ICE CREAM RODEO!

I am not sure who displayed the best acrobatic skills (I think Sean may be the winner...) but the locals of Pacific Grove, at least the few that happened to visit the little ice cream store on the corner, will probably report to family and neighbours that a bunch of crazy people have taken residence in PG. Well... they did not spend long and hard days on boats and docks so they really cannot understand.

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