Monday, August 21, 2006

Almost Famous! The other day, Sean was notified by the state lifeguards that they had observed a predatory event involving a large shark and a probable harbor seal off of Manresa Beach. This is the same area in which we are conducting our dolphin surveys and have been eager to enjoy a shark siting as well! Needless to say, there has been lots of shark-talk in the Monterey Bay community. Today the Channel 8 news crew was at Manresa Beach fishing for a story, and saw our boat, the Astirix, motor by on our regular dolphin survey. They called Sean's cell phone wanting to have an interview, so we arranged to meet the crew at Moss Landing Harbor when we were done with our survey. Of course I was hoping to jump in front of the camera with my Earthwatch t-shirt, and talk about the research and the volunteers. Today, they were only interested in the shark story, but it was still a treat to watch Sean on the 5 o'clock news!

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