Wednesday, August 09, 2006

We had been sitting at the Moss Landing restaurant observing our otter clan. We were ready to call it a day and make our walk back to the doc.

The other two team members took the long road, Peter however wanted to take the beach route shortcut. The tide had come in and all I could see was water. He said he thought we could make it back....I had my doubts.
As one of the older team members, my footing and balance was not what it used to be. The slippery mud, rickety rocks, and slimy sea weed made this route difficult and I was sure that I was going to get wet feet or worse!

Peter was confident, so I followed. He took my hand in all the right places and was patient as I made my way safely to the hard sand.
To my surprise I made it....and was still dry!
Thanks hero!

Anita, Volunteer, Team 2

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