Friday, September 15, 2006

No dolphins today:

We were out on the water just long enough for me to snap these great photos of Celine, Tom and Andy. After that we had three great “ID” shots and were done for the day! Actually, the wind was pretty strong today and we left the channel to find a Beaufort 4. There was no way, with the wind and the tall swells that we would be successful at finding dolphins. And even if we did find them, I doubt I’d be able to take many good photos before ralphing over the side of the boat.

Instead, we took a field trip up to Ano Nuevo, which is a great place to see elephant seals! It’s a little too late in the season to see all the adults out for the summer molt, but we did arrive at the shore to find a juvenile hauled out. One of the docents provided us with TONS (well, perhaps a quarter of a ton) of information about these enormous pinnipeds.

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