Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Thank you, Ruth, for sending the care package! We all agreed that your homemade cookies were delicious, the Belmont Hill water bottles have already been utilized in the field and I LOVED the maple cookies!

How, you may ask, does Ruth know I am so fond of maple? It's probably because she watched me wolf down two giant maple bars at the Woodwards Marine fuel dock the morning of the Whale Disentanglement. It could also be that I talk endlessly about eating maple cotton candy at the Big E. I hope all New Englanders that have been reading the blog have also made a trip to my favorite fair. (Maple cotton candy can be found in the New Hampshire Building, Enjoy!)

1 comment:

Anna J said...

I'm glad you had fun at the Boston Educators Event. You and Donna did such a great job communicating your experience from the field, I hope that we can convince more teachers to share their excitment and love for fried artichokes in real time!